About "Coffeecups" and sethward.posterous.com

About Me:

My University of Wyoming website is http://uwyo.edu/sward

Post your own images:

Upload images of YOUR favorite coffee cups!

I believe the only way to do this is via email to sward@uwyo.edu. Please make the subject line "coffeecups" or "for upload to coffeecups blog."

(I believe Sethward.posterous.com can only upload comments, not photos, and only to the main blog, not to this page--but I am open to advice as to how this can be done.)

The Name Coffeecups:

I thought about changing the name of this blog to Coffecups on International Coffee Day (Sept. 29). In part, it is in homage to the late Haim Hefer, from whom, it could be said, I learned the recipe for "the drink of kings" - especially for making campfire coffee.

It's an experimental name--I figured it is non-political, non-limiting and may give the impression that the pieces I post on the web were crafted or at least posted while I was drinking coffee, which often would be true.

Interestingly, China has a National Coffee Day in early April, observed according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar--even though I did not find much of a coffee culture in China and when I was there this summer usually it was impossible to get good coffee except for locales catering to non-Chinese people.